
Local Coffee Beans

Local coffee beans sourced from Balutakay Coffee Farmers Association (BACOFA)

coffee flavor single origin label

From ₱1809

Bright lemon and sweet calamansi, tropical fruit with a hint of baker's chocolate, and a syrupy body with nutty and caramel notes.

coffee flavor single origin label

From ₱310

Lemon vibes, smooth body, hints of bakers chocolate and nuttiness.

coffee flavor single origin label

From ₱310

Sweet calamansi, tropical fruit, syrupy body, and caramel finish.

Single Origin Beans

Imported beans from different countries.

coffee flavor single origin label

From ₱719

Floral jasmine with a juicy body and a clean, lemony finish.

coffee flavor single origin label

From ₱649

Sweet and nutty aroma, mild acidity, chocolate finish, and nutty aftertaste.

coffee flavor single origin label

From ₱439

Edgy burnt wood and nutty aroma with a hint of cacao nibs.

coffee flavor single origin label

From ₱589

Like a chill chocolate bar, smooth with a hint of mild acidity.